Child Safety Training

Verify child safety training Completion

Complete the form below after watching the video or attending in-person safety training.
Read the SRA Child Protection Policy before submitting the form.

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How did you complete the training?

Affirmation of compliance

By signing below, I attest that I watched the Child Safety Training Video or attended the Child Safety Training. I also attest that I agree to adhere to the Child Safety Policy.

I agree to comply with these policies regarding child safety. I also understand that these policies cannot address every possible situation that presents itself and they do not eliminate the expectation of good judgment and professional behavior on my part.

 I understand that I am required to report any violation of these policies to the director whether committed by me or another member of the staff.

After watching/participating in the training, if any questions or clarifications are needed regarding the content of the video or policy, I will direct the questions/clarifications to Amanda P, Elmira S, or Lisah B.

Clear Signature

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To get help or to get a reset of your Google account, or for any other questions you may have,
please write to Zabih, Dan or Amanda. We look forward to hearing from you!